Traveling is important? Have you ever thought about why? I have been never so fascinated and passionate about traveling when I was a kid or when I was in college. I took my first solo trip in 2018 when I was working in Mumbai. Since then its has been an integral part of my life, and if you have been following me on social platforms, you must have seen that already.
Till now I have only traveled only some percent of our country, but only with this much percent, I have learned a lot and still learning. And that is the reason I felt to write this article, that why traveling is equally important as spending time in classrooms.

Education is important
No doubt, without education, we have no existence. However education has different types, what we learn in schools or colleges is required to excel in specific fields and thus opens up opportunities for earning. But if this type of knowledge was enough for life, there will not be many people suffering from bad mental health and other common issues like stress, bad health, social phobia, etc.
Another type of education that is most important and is never taught to us as kids are How to spend a purposeful life? Why spending time with self is important? Why know yourself, your interests?
There is nothing wrong with going to college, get a job, get married, buy a house, have kids, and wait for retirement for that big vacation plan. But the catch is here is, do you really want to peruse this path? or it is a path led and set by everyone so you have chosen it?

Traveling lets you spend time with self
Most of us are unsure of life choices and paths to be taken during the early time of choosing our careers. And due to this, in the 30s or 40s, we look for something that can bring that content to the life despite earning and successful in careers. Travelling could be really beneficial to know ourselves, spending time with self is as important as spending time to prepare for an exam. Otherwise, be it your life or an exam, there will always be a confusion.
See there is nothing wrong with being confused and lost, it happens with everybody. In such cases, it’s better to take some time off, opt for a hobby or go for some treks, travel, and meet new people. And this way you are not just exploring the world but yourself as well. Only you can figure out what are your skills and what you are good at, no one else can do that for you.

Learn to enjoy experiences not things
As I said earlier, there is nothing wrong with earning money and spending on things to enjoy life. But traveling teaches you to enjoy experiences. The feeling to trek to that mountain, reach the summit, and just sit and close your eyes is beautiful and satisfying. How much content you feel that time, has no comparison with any materialistic thing. Staying in tent and watching stars outside, has no comparison with staying at expensive resort with private pool or jacuzzi.
You learn to enjoy simple experiences of spending time in nature. This brings a sense of positivity within you, this not only keeps you motivated but also keeps you fit and healthy. Because a healthy brain is as important as a healthy physical body.

Traveling teaches to move out of comfort zone
Last year I was trekking in Maharashtra. In my traveling group, there was a couple who was trekking with their 10-year-old son. To my surprise, that kid was not bothered that he had to sleep in a tent, eat simple food whatever was available. He fell twice, his clothes got dirty but still, I didn’t see him complaining about anything.
That kid was actually living out of his comfort zone, compared to kids of his age. Kids of his age are selective on food, want things as per their wish, and love to spend time in front of cartoon channels or play mobile games.
How many of us dare to move out of our comfort zone if asked to? That’s what traveling changes within you because somewhere there is a sense of contentedness and fulfillment that can only be felt when you step out of your routine comfort zone.

Less is always more
Most of the treks start from base villages and during treks we pass through different mountain villages, meet new people, village kids playing outside, middle-aged women carrying husk on their back. Many times we have also stayed in homestays in the villages, they live a life as simple as you can’t even imagine. The feeling of being in nature is truly beautiful. After knowing about the life of those village people, I felt so much gratitude for my own life. Despite having all kinds of facilities, the city people seem less satisfied and happy. This not only affects their mental health but also affects their attitude towards life which we see in the next point.

Traveling teaches not to be frog in a well
You all must have heard the story of a frog in a well, that’s the kind of life you don’t have to live. When you meet people of different countries, cultures, age groups, you realize there is so much to life that we think of. People have been doing all sorts of things, from learning a different language, traveling to different continents to trekking to some damm mountain. What different you are doing or learning in your life?
Earning money and making a bank balance is what everyone is trying to do, right? How differently you are spending that money on yourselves? Now don’t just say, buying clothes. expensive stuff or buying a house or car for yourselves because that’s what everyone is doing, I believe!!
I again say earning money and spending that is not a bad thing, but what else is on your goal list? Is that your only aim in life? That’s what matters a lot.

Chance to spend time around people who can motivate
If you see a woman 50 years old trekking beside you or traveling the world, I am sure you will also feel motivated and definitely will learn something from her. That’s what I love about traveling and I have been motivated with such people I met on the treks. For trekking one has to keep themselves fit and physically active. This will in turn build a healthy lifestyle, and I don’t need to mention the benefits of being fit and healthy !!!
I am not a subject matter expert on what you should be doing in life. And no one can be for you, because you know better, what’s right and wrong for you. I love traveling and sharing my experiences with you all. You don’t need to take my words as it is but if they make some sense to you, think over it.
I only urge our younger generation to travel, explore the world and explore themselves. Don’t be that frog of the well, move out of your comfort zone, look for people who can motivate you to try some new things.

Don’t listen to what they, go and see it**
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